EIVS Teaching Methodology

EIVS Teaching Methodology - Blended Learning

EIVS uses both face-to-face and online learning which is called “Blended Learning” or “Mixed Learning” to avoid possible isolation among learners and teachers. In this presentation we are mainly looking at digital media or online learning because we have over 25 years of classroom teaching experience and it is an accepted methodology. There are many reasons why online learning offers an improved overall learning experience, especially when learning the theory and basic concepts of Ayurvedic medicine.

Please note that from September 2022 the English training M2.1.1 (level 1) is done through recordings. Atreya can no longer teach English programs. The system stays the same but without live classes with Atreya. Instead there are four years of "live recordings" where Atreya has answered thousands of questions from students. There is still direct contact with Vaidya Atreya Smith on the forum weekly homework postings when he corrects and comments on your homework. There will 1 or 2 live classes with Atreya in the year to assure the comprehension of the material.

EIVS uses both Asynchronous learning (learners are not required to be online at the same time) and Synchronous learning environments (learners are utilizing the online media at the same time). EIVS has a private forum for students to, 1) post homework, 2) communicate with other students by posting questions or difficulties with the lesson under study. The same forum remains open to post-graduate students and has a special area in which to post questions about their patients and possible treatments.

EIVS uses three teaching supports:

- Adobe Connect Pro online learning classroom
- Forum dedicated to weekly homework assignments & student discussions
- Online quiz program for weekly assessment

The Adobe Connect Pro platform is a Learning Management System (LMS) allows the student to watch recorded classes, download PDF support documents, download homework assignments and to participate in live weekly question and answer classes with the teacher. The teacher can also track student’s activity with Adobe Connect as it is also a management tool. All weekly homework assignments are posted in the EIVS forum and reviewed / corrected by the teacher which allows direct interaction with the teacher. Homework assignments require thought and discussion to be completed correctly. Students have their own forum for discussion. The last element is the weekly online quiz which allows the teacher to evaluate the understanding of each student for each lesson. The student also discovers if they have really understood the subject or not.

Here are some other reasons why online learning methods improve learning efficiency and improve the overall learning experience for both students and teachers alike:

Means, et al. (2010). Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies, Technical Report. U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C

Abstract excerpt: “A systematic search of the research literature from 1996 through July 2008 identified more than a thousand empirical studies of online learning…. The meta-analysis found that, on average, students in online learning conditions performed modestly better than those receiving face-to-face instruction. The difference between student outcomes for online and face-to-face classes — measured as the difference between treatment and control means, divided by the pooled standard deviation — was larger in those studies contrasting conditions that blended elements of online and face-to-face instruction with conditions taught entirely face-to-face.”

EIVS uses Blended Learning methods as they have been found to be the most effective way to learn by both experience and meta-analysis of research data indicated above.

All types of learners will benefit
Online learning provides a single experience that accommodates the three main learning styles:
- Auditory learners
- Visual learners
- Kinesthetic learners

Teaching methodology in practice

Here is an outline of a typical training level with EIVS. For each class the teacher will set homework exercises that require collaboration with fellow students as well as critical guidance from the teacher.

A typical learning cycle goes like this:

Step 1 - The PDF study materials, the homework exercise and recorded class are opened in Adobe Connect Pro the Learning Management System.
Step 2 – The study material (PDF) should be read and reflected on
Step 3 - The recorded class of 1.5 to 2 hours should be watched
Step 4 - The study material (PDF) should be re-read studied
Step 5 - The homework exercise should be done while referring to the study material (PDF)
Step 6 - Spontaneous discussion ensues on the student forum concerning the lesson
Step 7 - Teacher corrects and comments on the student’s homework in the forum
Step 8 - Question & Answer class with teacher to clear up doubts
Step 9 - Students take a multiple-choice quiz to allow personal and teacher assessment
Step 10 - Step 1 is repeated for the next lesson

This sort of learning cycle draws the student in the learning experience and motivates the student to push themselves to their limits.

Students should allow 10 to 15 hours per week for study depending on their nature. Many lessons require reflection on the concepts presented. There are at least 8 hours of videos to watch in the level 1 and 10 hours per lesson in the level 3.

Online Learning and the Environment

Online Learning helps to save our planet. By studying Ayurveda through our online learning program, students will save the planet by reducing C0² emissions.
Help protect our environment by studying online:

- No fuel consumption
- Less air pollution
- Less wear and tear on your vehicle
- No loss of transport time

In our current cultural situation, we are becoming more aware of how fragile our environment is in Switzerland. With every election we see more and more people voting for the protection of our environment. We hope that you will consider our proven approach to education as well as the environmental impact that online learning has.

For a demonstration of our learning platforms click here!

Copyright © 2025 EIVS GmbH


Training in Ayurvedic medicine with a validated diploma of 3376 hours – Nidana – Chikitsa – Dravyaguna – herbal medicine according to Ayurveda – trainings in Ayurveda since 1998 – Dr. Sunil V. Joshi, MD(ayu) – Vaidya Atreya Smith, BSc MA – all these courses are taught in English.

Accreditation and professional group membership of EIVS: